Much of the negative press and industry analysis for Wholefoods apparent failure to light the public imagination centre on price or the lack of car-parking- I sense the issues go far deeper.

It may seem unfair to compare you with Harvey Nic's but we consumers do compare, we compare local heroes and chain stores, department stores and supermarkets. We choose where to shop.
Whilst I will admit that many of your in-store displays are truly great, I'd argue that management are sleeping on the job. Who allowed the huge display of Charcoal? 60 thousand lines in one store and you can't find something else to promote? FYI It's February and it's raining

I did however learn from the POS that 'Annie loves Choxi bars because they are full of antioxidants... Yummy'
Lastly where exactly are your hero products? I spent an hour in your presence and walked out with nothing. Sell me something I can't get elsewhere. Give me a reason to visit.