Monday, 12 July 2010

Gelupo - Soho

Following on from romance at Polpo and memories of many a weekend spent splashing around in Venice, nothing could be finer or more fitting than a short stroll over to artisan ice cream maker Gelupo.

A Blood Orange Granita with Chocolate Sorbet piled on top. Almost Heaven! - although the Rice Ice came pretty close too, as did the many, and avaialble to all, free samples.

Oddly the owners also feel the need to add a small grocery and kitchenwares section to the back of the almost finished Gelato. Whilst I often find these attempts at retail misplaced I can't deny that a freezer full of suasages handmade for the diners of Bocca de Lupo got me very excited.

So go eat an ice cream, enjoy it, and then take a sausage or two  for a cut price Bocca experience at home.