It's set to be a journey on foot through the history of revolutionary food. Taste a little Victorian anarchy then some sixties revolution and maybe a soupcon of Tudor blood lustre. Sounds very intriguing. And only £25 per head. Considering they worked with Heston on his 'Feasts..' series and gained so much press for there Jelly Sculptures it should be worth going.
If this sounds a bit too much then why not try a little of the Bompass and Par 'Occult Jam' first. Its a free event at the Barbican (Jams later available in the shop too) Flavours range from 'Absinthe and pineapple with sand from the Great Pyramids' to 'Plum and Oak with wood from Nelson's ship The Victory'. Royalists should maybe avoid the 'Milk Jam infused with a speck of Princess Diana's hair' flavour at all costs though!